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Kiss My Mutt Training

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Bridging the gap between dog and guardian

Any dog, any challenge


Any dog, any challenge.

Kiss My Mutt trainers have over a decade of experience helping pet parents achieve the relationship and results they envision.​​​​

We place welfare, relationship & positive reinforcement at the forefront of every great, personalized training plan.

come   sit    heel   settle  watch  down   place wait

1:1 In Person Training

Your challenges and goals may have a wide range of where they may take place..
That's why our in-person private sessions are booked where needed most.. nearly anywhere in Toronto - your home, the park or on the streets!

Virtual Consulting

Much of our work together is discussion based, covering suggestions, adjustments and new habits.

Virtual training can be surprisingly effective for most training goals and behavioral challenges.

We will exchange videos for demonstration & feedback before and after our virtual training sessions.

Set up a consultation call today to see if virtual training may be for you and your dog!

Train the Trainer

Passionate and curious about dog behaviour? Looking to become a dog trainer or to advance your skills as a dog handling professional?


Our apprenticeship program will provide you with the education, experience and support you may need to start training dogs or improve as a general dog advocate.

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